讲座通知:Bridging Objective and Subjective Aspects of Information Displays


题目:Bridging Objective and Subjective Aspects of Information Displays

报告人Zong Qin





Abstract text:

 Displays deliver information to human eyes and brain via light, thus optics and human vision both play important roles, especially in emerging display applications, e.g., vehicle displays, VR/AR, wearable displays. In this manner, novelties in display research call for studies of both objective and subjective aspects based on multi-scale optics, human vision, physiologic experiments, etc., and quantitatively bridging them through image processing. In this talk, the speaker will introduce several typical studies, including picture-level color break up assessment for field sequential color displays, vehicle head-up displays, and light-field AR glasses that are currently widely discussed. In addition to the academic aspects, broad requirements from worldwide display industry that have positively influenced the research will be discussed in the talk.




 Assistant Research Fellow at National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 2016.01 ~ 2019.12

 Optical Engineering Manager (Consultant) at Conserve & Associates Inc. (創智車電公司), Taiwan 2016.03 ~ Present

 Postdoctoral Fellow at National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 2013.09 ~ 2015.12

- Supervised by Prof. Han-Ping David Shieh (謝漢萍) & Prof. Yi-Pai Huang (黃乙白)



 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China 2008.09 ~ 2013.06

- Supervised by Prof. Sheng Liu (刘胜)

 Second Bachelor in Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China 2005.09 ~ 2008.06

 Bachelor in Optical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China 2004.09 ~ 2008.06



 Display system, display optics, and optomechanical design

 Applied vision and image processing

 Virtual reality and augmented reality, 3D display, e-paper and flexible displays



 2018.08 ~ 2019.07, 台灣科技部一般型專題計畫,利用mini-LED之低更新率低色分離色序法液晶顯示器(結案)

 2018.06 ~ 2019.09, 台灣宏達電子(HTC) 產學合作計畫,利用時分多工原理的頭戴顯示器視場角擴增裝置(結案)

 2017.03 ~ 2019.06, 台灣元太科技(E Ink) 產學合作計畫,彩色濾光電子紙影像演算優化與光源控制(結案)



 2018.03 ~ 2019.03, 美國Google公司產學合作計畫,Direct see-through AR glass with large field of view(結案)

 2016.01 ~ 2016.12, 台灣工研院(ITRI) 計畫,OLED面板之高環境對比光學元件設計與影像品質分析(結案)

 2015.01 ~ 2015.12, 台灣工研院(ITRI) 計畫,軟性OLED透明顯示結構分析與高環境對比光學元件驗證(結案)

 2015.03 ~ 2017.12, 台灣友達光電(AUO) 產學合作計畫,色序型液晶顯示技術之量測指標訂定(結案)

 2015.03 ~ 2016.08, 台灣中磊電子(Sercomm) 產學合作計畫,網路照相模組影像評價控制方法(結案)