在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Surface & Coatings Technology、Ceramics International 、Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells等TOP期刊及本领域权威期刊发表SCI论文100多篇。
[1] Xiangyu Zhang, Vasiliy Pelenovich*, Bing Yang*, et al. Machine Learning-Based Design of Superhard High-Entropy Nitride Coatings[J], ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (2024) 36911-36922. Top期刊, IF=8.3.
[2] Vasiliy O. Pelenovich*, Xiaomei Zeng*, Chang Xu, et al. Oxidized textured stainless steel surface with passivation layer as a high temperature selective solar absorber[J]. Ceramics International, (2024) accepted. Top期刊, IF=5.1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.09.072
[3] Ting Lv#, Vasiliy O. Pelenovich#, Chang Xu, et al. Fabrication and characterization of high-temperature AlN thick-film piezoelectric accelerometer[J]. Ceramics International, (2024) accepted. Top期刊, IF=5.1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.09.051
[4] Chang Xu, Xiaomei Zeng, Vasiliy Pelenovich*, et al. High temperature AlN thin film ultrasonic transducers with dual mode wave excitation[J]. Ceramics International 50(5) (2024) 7480-7485. Top期刊, IF=5.1.
[5] Xiaomei Zeng, Vasiliy Pelenovich*, D Neena, et al. Thermal stability of high entropy graded solar selective absorbers deposited by RF magnetron sputtering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds[J], 944 (2023) 169248. Top期刊, IF=5.8.
[6] Xiaomei Zeng, Vasiliy Pelenovich*, Chang Xu, et al. Morphology of lithium niobium oxide thin film ultrasonic transducers deposited by RF magnetron sputtering[J], Ceramics International, 49 (2023) 16297-16304. Top期刊, IF=5.1.
[7] Xiaomei Zeng, Xiangyu Zhang, Vasiliy Pelenovich*, et al. High-temperature thin film lithium niobium oxide transducers for bolts[J], Ceramics International, 49 (2023) 7710-7716. Top期刊, IF=5.1.
[8] Xiangyu Zhang, Xiaomei Zeng, Vasiliy Pelenovich*, et al. Effects of RF magnetron sputtering power on the structure and nanohardness of high-entropy alloys (TiVCrNbSiTaBY)N[J]. Ceramics International, 49 (2023) 33418–33424. Top期刊, IF=5.1.
[9] Vasiliy Pelenovich*, Xiaomei Zeng, Yan Liu, et al., AlCrO protected textured stainless-steel surface for high temperature solar selective absorber applications[J], Surface & Coatings Technology, 436 (2022) 128282. Top期刊, IF=5.3.
[10] Yan Liu, Xiangyu Zhang, Vasiliy Pelenovich*, et al., Structure and mechanical properties of multi-principal-element (AlCrNbSiTi)N hard coating[J], Surface & Coatings Technology, 433 (2022) 128113. Top期刊, IF=5.3.
[1] Xiangyu Zhang, Yan Liu, Vasiliy Pelenovich*, Bing Yang. Nanocomposite and Nanocrystalline Materials and Coatings - Microstructure, Properties and Applications,本人负责撰写章节:AlCrNbSiTiN high-entropy nitride hard coatings;出版地:新加坡;出版社:Springer Nature, 出版时间:2024年。
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