讲座通知:Heterostructured Material Design of High Entropy Alloys and Additive Manufacturing by Processing-Structure-Property Linkage


题目:Heterostructured Material Design of High Entropy Alloys and Additive Manufacturing by Processing-Structure-Property Linkage

报告人: Hyoung Seop Kim,韩国科学技术翰林院院士,韩国工程院院士,韩国异质金属材料增材制造国家工程研究中心(ERC)主任,浦项科技大学SeAH首席教授。


时间:20241028 900(北京时间)




This presentation synthesizes insights from innovative studies on the design and analysis of heterogeneous microstructures and processing in high entropy alloys, focusing on enhancing mechanical properties such as strength and ductility. This research utilizes a representative volume element modeling approach to accurately control specific microstructural features, particularly in core-shell structures. By applying the finite element method alongside a dislocation-based constitutive model, the deformation behavior is elucidated, emphasizing the design of optimal heterogeneous microstructures based on the interplay of geometry, size, and shape within soft and hard domains. Building on this foundation, the study introduces an integrated approach, combining three-dimensional numerical modeling with machine learning techniques, to design Heterostructured Materials (HSM). This innovative methodology incorporates hetero-deformation induced (HDI) strengthening features and artificial intelligence inference, resulting in a predictive framework that identifies the optimal microstructure for superior mechanical performance. The study demonstrates the potential of machine learning in expanding the data pool for material design, leading to the successful fabrication of a new HSM with enhanced properties. This study also focuses on the bimodal structure-property linkage, developing a physical-based constitutive model that captures the deformation mechanism considering the evolution of dislocation densities. Through microstructure-based FEM simulations, this research provides a quantitative analysis of the complex correlations between grain size, volume fraction, and spatial distribution in bimodal structures, facilitating the discovery of optimal heterogeneous equiaxed bimodal structures. Collectively, these studies represent a comprehensive approach, merging advanced computational modeling, empirical analysis, and machine learning, to push the boundaries of material science in designing materials with tailored mechanical properties for various industrial applications.


Hyoung Seop Kim,韩国科学技术翰林院院士,韩国工程院院士,韩国异质金属材料增材制造国家工程研究中心(ERC)主任,浦项科技大学SeAH首席教授。Kim教授在1986年毕业于韩国首尔国立大学冶金工程系获学士学位,于1993年获该校博士学位。1993年担任韩国东部钢铁首席研究员,1994年担任韩国先进工程研究所高级研究员,1995年至2008年在韩国全南国立大学历任助理教授、副教授和全职教授,2008年至今在韩国浦项科技大学历任副教授和全职教授。2017-2019年曾担任浦项科技大学副校长。Kim教授长期从事纳米金属材料和增材制造研究,担任Metals and Materials International等期刊主编,Materials Research Letters等多个国际知名期刊的编辑和编委,目前在Nature CommunicationsMaterials TodayProgress in Materials ScienceActa MaterialiaAdditive Manufacturing等国际知名期刊发表了900余篇论文和专著,web of science引用次数超过26000次,H-index达到76,多次受邀在国际会议做主旨演讲。Kim教授国际合作广泛,曾在英国牛津大学,澳大利亚西澳大学,德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学,日本东北大学,美国宾夕法尼亚大学等世界著名学府访学。2023年荣获韩国国家科学技术奖,2024年荣获韩国金属材料学会POSCO奖,和美国矿产、金属及材料学会(TMSMPMD杰出科学家奖,在材料科学与工程领域有着重要的影响力。